I. General Description of the Air Scent Field Skills Assessment
The Field Skills Assessment (FSA) for air scent is designed to demonstrate that a dog/handler team has the ability to find all people present in an area using a non scent specific airscent approach.
The standard described here is only intended to test the dog/handler team's ability in air scent /area search. Prior to requesting an Air Scent FSA, the handler is expected to have demonstrated general field skills according to current Mountain Canine Corps requirements.
This evaluation is specific to a dog and a handler as a unit. A dog is only mission ready with the handler(s) with whom the dog passes the evaluation.
II. General Format
The Vice President of Mountain Canine Corps serves as test administrator or selects another administrator. The test administrator is responsible for selecting the test area, the evaluator, a navigator (if requested) and subjects, suitable subject entry point(s) and locations, as well as the meeting location and time. The test administrator is also responsible for establishing a communications plan for the subjects. The test administrator is not required to be present during the actual evaluation even though it is desirable.
III. Structure of the FSA:
1. Brief of the handler -
A day before the FSA the handler will receive a gpx file of the search area as well as main waypoints from the test administrator. The handler can download this file and have it available on their device during the FSA.
There will be an evaluator and a navigator (if requested by the handler) present during the FSA.
The handler, the navigator and the evaluator will meet at the designated location. The evaluator will brief the handler and provide the following:
a) a search scenario,
b) answers to any questions the handler might have
2. Brief from the handler - After the briefing, the handler is given time to develop a search strategy. When the handler is ready, the handler briefs the evaluator on the intended search plan, including:
a) initial overall search strategy,
b) intended starting point,
c) expected TFR that their dog will give on finding a subject, and,
d) any other information the handler deems pertinent to the search.
3. Search period- The time limit for the airscent FSA is 4 hours, with the clock starting when the briefing by the evaluator is completed and the team enters the search area and the handler states that the team is ready.
4. Debrief from the handler - At completion of the evaluation (i.e., after the time limit elapses or the handler feels that the search has been completed), the handler will debrief the evaluator. In the debrief, the handler will:
a) provide coordinates of the location(s) of the subject(s)
b) share the data (gpx file) from their device.
5. Premature termination of FSA - At all times during the evaluation, all persons involved in the FSA are responsible for safety. The handler, evaluator, or any subject can request to cancel an evaluation at any time. Cancellation should not be done lightly; however, in cases of personal or canine injury, severe weather such as thunderstorms or extremely heavy snow conditions, or other safety concerns, cancellation is appropriate.
IV. Search Location
The search location will be selected by the Vice President or the test administrator. Factors considered will include terrain, accessibility, size, and safety.
1. Terrain - The location for the evaluation will be of moderate terrain, representative of a real search mission MCC encounters in New Mexico. The area should not be flat or open. The location should not be so topographically challenging as to preclude a complete search by an average, physically fit handler/dog team. Also, the terrain should allow for the subject(s) to get into position from a starting location that is different from the initial meeting location of the handler and evaluator.
2. Area size – The search area will be approximately 80 acres with exact size dependent on vegetation coverage and terrain.
3. Safety - The location should be one that is deemed safe for searching on the day of the FSA. This factor includes weather conditions as well as a determination of whether active hunting will be taking place near the location prior to and on the scheduled MRE date. The subjects’ hiding locations should not be intentionally difficult or tricky and the subject should not be in a hazardous area like near barbed wire, a camp site, or a cliff edge. Everyone in the field will carry a radio for safety reasons, but radio silence will be maintained as much as possible. The handler will have the radio turned off throughout the test unless there is a safety issue.
V. Subject Requirements
The search location will be selected by the Vice President or the test administrator. Factors considered will include terrain, accessibility, size, and safety.
1. Terrain - The location for the evaluation will be of moderate terrain, representative of a real search mission MCC encounters in New Mexico. The area should not be flat or open. The location should not be so topographically challenging as to preclude a complete search by an average, physically fit handler/dog team. Also, the terrain should allow for the subject(s) to get into position from a starting location that is different from the initial meeting location of the handler and evaluator.
2. Area size – The search area will be approximately 80 acres with exact size dependent on vegetation coverage and terrain.
3. Safety - The location should be one that is deemed safe for searching on the day of the FSA. This factor includes weather conditions as well as a determination of whether active hunting will be taking place near the location prior to and on the scheduled MRE date. The subjects’ hiding locations should not be intentionally difficult or tricky and the subject should not be in a hazardous area like near barbed wire, a camp site, or a cliff edge. Everyone in the field will carry a radio for safety reasons, but radio silence will be maintained as much as possible. The handler will have the radio turned off throughout the test unless there is a safety issue.
VI. Evaluator Requirements
1. Evaluator prerequisites - The evaluator must be a current or prior handler of a mission ready airscent dog with MCC.
2. Evaluator responsibilities – The evaluator will carefully read and understand the information provided by the FSA administrator, and ask any questions regarding the FSA prior to the evaluation. During the initial brief of the handler, the evaluator will brief the handler and answer any of the handler's questions about the information or this standard.
After performing the duty of the initial brief of the handler, the evaluator should act as a passive observer but need not maintain total silence. When the search period begins, the evaluator will announce over the radio that the search has begun and record the starting time. The evaluator should stay with the dog team throughout the test and record time and location of both finds.
When the evaluation is completed, the evaluator will announce over the radio and record that the evaluation is over and ask for a response from both subjects. The evaluator should maintain radio contact with both subjects until they confirm that they are safely out of the field and back to their vehicle.
For the first certification of an MCC K9 team, a team member from a different SAR K9 team should be used as a second evaluator if at all possible. This second evaluator should have a certified airscent K9 or have certified and worked with one within the last 5 years.
VII. Handler Requirements
1. Handler prerequisites - Prior to scheduling, the handler must present the FSA Administrator with proof of a consistent history of air scent training with the K9 being tested. This proof may take the form of training logs or consistent training notes (narrative).
2. Handler responsibilities - The handler will determine a suitable search strategy for the conditions, based on factors such as wind, terrain, and temperature changes. The handler is responsible for covering the area adequately.
The starting point need not be the initial meeting location, but the clock starts once the team leaves the briefing point. The handler will brief the evaluator prior to the start of the search period and is responsible for keeping the evaluator updated on changes to the search plan and the reading of the dog. The handler will notify the evaluator when their dog has given their TFR. The handler will not prompt their dog for a TFR. If the dog is trained to perform a refind, the handler will also not call their dog away from the subject(s) or otherwise prompt their dog to start performing their refind. When the dog returns to the handler and offers a TFR the handler will report this to the evaluator, before following the dog to the subject. In the event that the handler determines that an unsafe situation exists anytime during the evaluation, the handler may ask the evaluator to cancel the FSA.
VIII. Navigator Requirements
1. Navigator prerequisites - The Navigator will be a MCC team member, who is deemed qualified to provide assistance in navigation and communications by the FSA Administrator. The handler may choose not to use a navigator.
2. Navigator responsibilities – The navigator will assist the handler with navigation of the search area during the FSA. The navigator will not have any knowledge of the placement of the subjects.
The navigator will not actively participate in the search efforts by giving the handler tips or recommendations regarding the search strategies. The navigator will not be responsible for the outcome of the search.
IX. Criteria for Evaluating the FSA
Below is a list of criteria against which the team's performance will be evaluated. The evaluator, and subject(s) where appropriate, evaluate the dog/handler team on a 1-5 scale, with 1 being poor and 5 being superior. The Board uses this evaluation in making a final pass/fail decision for the dog/handler team.
Handler misreading of an actual alert as a false alert or the converse will be heavily weighted against the team. A scent specific dog team will not be penalized if the dog finds the decoy(s) and/or other person(s) in the area as long as the dog does not perform their indicated find alert on person(s) other than the subject.
Evaluation criteria include
1. The handler's ability to:
a) Maintain safety of humans and canine
b) Form an appropriate search strategy for working the area (testing wind, considering terrain, and other appropriate factors).
c) Change the search plan as necessary to account for changes in conditions, such as wind, terrain, and/or temperature.
d) Ensure the dog adequately works the search area.
e) Know the team's coverage of the search area, including identifying areas that were not covered.
f) Recognize the dog's TFR and communicate this to the evaluator.
2. The dog's ability to:
a) Work an area
b) Take direction as needed
c) Work as long as asked
d) Not hesitate to go in to appropriate subject(s)
e) Find and give a readable TFR on both subjects without prompting from the handler.
f) Show no aggression towards humans or dogs.
The handler and K9 must meet all evaluation criteria to pass the FSA.
Pass/Fail criteria: The K9 must find both subjects independently within the four hour timeframe and offer a readable TFR without prompting from the handler.
The FSA certification is valid for 2 years.
A full airscent FSA as described above will be required as recertification. No outside evaluator is required for recertifications.
The training director will inform handlers when there are six months remaining in the certification cycle. There is a three month grace period after the certification expires. After this time, the team can not respond to missions until it has recertified.